placeholder for introduction and description.


Landslide: Debris Flow
Earthquake: Marine
Earthquake-Induced Shallow Landslide
Faults and Trenches
Land Cover Change Loss (2010-2015)
Rainfall-Induced Landslide MGB
Rainfall-Induced Landslide NOAH
Volcano: Base Surge
Volcano: Danger Zone
Volcano: Lahar
Volcano: Lava Flow
Volcano: Pyroclastic Flow


Distribution Utilities
Economic Zones
Energy Peak Demand by Franchise
Existing Hydropower Plant
Existing Transmission Line and Substation
Generating Power Plant
Population Density by Province
Population Density by Municipality
Potential Hydropower Resource
Proposed Transmission Line and Substation
Under-development Hydropower Plant


Household Electrification Rate
Income Classification by Province
Land Cover
Low Elevation Coastal Zone
Land Cover Change Vulnerability
Peak Ground Acceleration
Poverty Incidence by Municipality
Poverty Incidence by Province
Power System
Proximity to Fault Zone
Proxmity to Fault Zone: Marine
Proximity to Road Network
Rainfall-Induced Landslide Vulnerability
Soil Erosion


Risk to Facilities and Systems

Economic Zone Risk due to Armed Conflict
Existing HPP Risk due to Armed Conflict
Existing Transmission Line and Substation Risk due to Armed Conflict
Generating Power Plant Risk due to Armed Conflict
Proposed Transmission Line and Substation Risk due to Armed Conflict
Under Development Hydropower Plant Risk
Economic Zone Risk due to Earthquake
Existing Transmission Line and Substation Risk due to Earthquake
Existing Hydropower Plant Risk due to Earthquake
Generating Power Plant Risk due to Earthquake
Proposed Transmission Line and Subtation Risk due to Earthquake
Under Development Hydropower Plant Risk due to Earthquake
Economic Zone Risk due to Earthquake-Induced Shallow Landslide
Existing Transmission Line and Substation Risk due to Earthquake-Induced Landslide
Existing Hydropower Plant Risk due to Earthquake-Induced Landslide
Generating Power Plant Risk due to Earthquake-Induced Shallow Landslide
Proposed Transmission Lines and Substation Risk due to Earthquake-Induced Shallow Landslide
Under-development Hydropower Plant Risk due to Earthquake-Induced Shallow Landslide
Economic Zone Risk due to Flood
Existing Hydropower Plant Risk due to Flood
Existing Transmission Line and Substation Risk due to Flood
Generating Power Plant Risk due to Flood
Proposed Transmission Line and Substation Risk due to Flood
Under-development Hydropower Plant Risk due to Flood
Economic Zone Risk due to Rainfall-Induced Landslide
Existing Hydropower Plant Risk due to Rainfall-Induced Landslide
Existing Transmission Line and Substation Risk due to Rainfall-Induced Landslide
Generating Power Plant Risk due to Rainfall-Induced Landslide
Proposed Transmission Line and Substation Risk due to Rainfall-Induced Landslide
Under Development Hydropower Plant Risk due to Rainfall-Induced Landslide
Economic Zone Risk due to Typhoon
Existing Transmission Line and Substation Risk due to Typhoon
Existing Hydropower Plant Risk due to Typhoon
Generating Power Plant Risk due to Typhoon
Proposed Transmission Line and Substation Risk due to Typhoon
Under Development Hydropower Plant Risk due to Typhoon

Risk to Resource

Potential Hydropower Resource Risk due to Earthquake-Induced Shallow Landslide
Potential Hydropower Resource Risk due to Land Cover Change
Potential Hydropower Risk due to Rainfall-Induced Landslide
Potential Hydropower Risk due to Typhoon
Risk due to Hydrological Drought HB RCP 4.5
Risk due to Hydrological Drought MF RCP 4.5
Risk due to Hydrological Drought NF RCP 4.5
Risk due to Hydrological Drought HB RCP 8.5
Risk due to Hydrological Drought MF RCP 8.5
Risk due to Hydrological Drought NF RCP 8.5
Risk due to Rainfall Anomaly MF RCP 4.5
Risk due to Rainfall Anomaly NF RCP 4.5
Risk due to Rainfall Anomaly MF RCP 8.5
Risk due to Rainfall Anomaly NF RCP 8.5
Risk due to Temperature Anomaly MF RCP 4.5
Risk due to Temperature Anomaly NF RCP 4.5
Risk due to Temperature Anomaly MF RCP 8.5
Risk due to Temperature Anomaly NF RCP 8.5